2020 Hunts
England: 10 days
Beach: 61
River: 8
Parks: 2
Field: 3
Coins |
Jewelry |
Clad total: |
210.00 |
Gold |
12 |
US Silver: Face:15.20 |
113 |
Gold Weight |
27.7 g |
US coins pre 1900 |
6 |
Silver |
25 |
Foreign Silver: |
5 |
Updated 12-21-20 |
Talked to my therapyst today during session and asked about swinging a detector.
She said I could give it a try.
Hunted for about 45 minutes
1944 merc and a Stainless ring

I guess now that it is snowing and I still can't swing a detector I may as well
accept that the 2020 detecting season is over.
2020 total
Silver coins 112
silver jewlery items 25

12 gold 27.7 grams

Shoulder surgery Update
This will be my last week of passive range of motion work.
I probably have about 75 to 80% of my range back. the last bit should come in the next couple weeks
while I start on regular range of motion workouts.
Saw my surgeon today, he said I am progressing well.
Finally get to loose the sling
Surgery went well, so they tell me. Met with physical therapest for the first time.
I will be doing passive range of motion for 4 to 6 weeks before we start on any strength work.
Still off work
Went in for MRI earlier this week, seems I tore my rotator cuff and have a tear in my bi-cep.
Dr has scheduled surgery for 10-19-2020. will be in a Sling for 4 to 6 weeks
then 3 to 5 months of therapy for full recovery
So yesterday at work I messed up my shoulder. Went to the hospital to have it checked out
as I can't lift 10 pounds above my waist with my right hand. X-ray says nothing broken.
Will be going in for more check ups in the next week or so.
My hunting season may be over! :(
tried wet and water

and a nice silver earring

headed downtown to a favorite beach quite a bit of clad.

silver ring, silver dime and war nickle

Beach again couple bucks

a silver butterfly earring

Tried the river but a different spot

Lots of crusty coins
about 4.50 in change

Tied another beach some targets

one silver dime

Tried another washed out beach lots of crustys
about 1.80 in change

and a Silver ring

Short trip to the river 1 wheat and a brass cufflink head

tried a different spot on the river

7 earrings in a tin case and a 1923 buffalo
3 hours at a couple spots on the river.

silver medalion

Back to the same spot cleaned out the spot pretty well

did get 2 more silver unfortunatlly no S on the 1894 dime

spent 4 hours at the river, found a spot with some real goodies

another spot at the river

a couple keepers a silver medalion and a 1933 chicago dog tag
tried a spot in the river some coins and a brass ring 1 wheat

got a couple oldies today 4 wheats and a buffalo

crustys but no goodies

found another rocky beach with lots of coins

another beach

Finally able to get to a beach with lots of rocks

3 silver #99,100,101 and 3 wheats

tried a beach after the rain stopped

Found a beach with some movement

nice little 10K gold ring 1.4g
and hopalong cassidy token

hit 1 beach for an hour or so, very bleak 3 wheat pennies

2 hours in the water

Silver spinner ring

7-11 to 7-18
Took a trip to Lake Autrain in upper michigan with some friends from Florida
Loads of fun
saw lots of waterfalls

With Mark and Amy

Stan and Linda

some kayaking
Lake Superior is truely beautiful

Masked up for a couple hours at the casino in Christmas Mi.
Stan, Linda, and Gretchen were the winners.

Some local dining

And as all good things must end, we said farwell!

I have been saving all my detected quarters in a 2-1/2 gallon container for the last 3 years
Decided to cash them in. 905.00
Just paid for a new toy.

played for 30 minutes not many targets

2 hours in the dry finally some silver and gold!

Silver medallion and a gold pendant

1 hour in the dry

tried the water and dry not much!

Dry sand

Went back to the beach where I got all the change yesterday.
lake was calm so hunted the water, very few coins $2.50 and a CTA token

another 4 hour hunt on a different beach coins everywhere
over 17.00 in change. not shown are 175 more crusty lincolns

Spent 4 hours digging targets nonstop
Loads of coins $16 worth and 1 small piece of silver

Tried several beaches, only one had coins on the slope.

and a nice little silver band

45 minute hunt while the rain slowed silver dime and 4 wheats

another beach with lots of coins 1 1943 silver nickel and a silver medailon

Tried 2 different beaches, 1 had some movement 1 silver dime, 7 wheat pennies
a silver wire earring

Waves moved a little more sand. 2 mercury dimes, 6 wheats

Bored with no beaches available I hit a local park,1 wheat, 3 junk jewelry

Tried a park for an hour looking for deep oldies, no luck

long drive up north to try a couple beaches loads of large rocks in the water everywhere
too hard ro retrieve targets. about 1.50 in the dry and a silver ring

Lake was fairly calm, tried in the water at one beach with loads of sand gone

Hit the water for about 45 minutes a couple deep targets

Took a drive back out by Tim

Tried a couple beaches, water was choppy so stuck to the dry

Headed back up north to hunt with Tim at the farm.
Great day got 2 1800's coins.

1836 Large cent only my 2nd ever!
1878 Indian head penny

Found this wigit, looked like a pocket watch winder?
Gold insert with terquoise

Tim's bucket list find
1853 with arrows seated dime

Went up North to meet Tim, Illinois Digger for a field hunt
had a small pasture and some woods with an old celler hole
we worked the celler hold and woods for a while loads of iron and a couple wats-its

We moved out into the pasture and dug several period coins and some flat buttons
My find of the day! 1876S seated Quarter

1867 holed Indian head penny

Tim got an 1833 Large cent Will try to get a pic later
Hit a couple different beaches, seem to have lost the picture of coins,
about 6 dollars and a couple junk jewelry.
2 silver items hand made ring (spider) and hollow knife handle (piece)

tried 2 different beaches dry sand only, loads of coins
about 8 dollars

Lots of old brass even got an old boy scout buckle

3 hours on the dry stuff
Managed lots of coins and several junk jewelry
Broken piece of a silver ring and a 10K gold filigree ring

Just returned from the spring 2020 England hunt.
Unfortunatly the Corona Virus Pandenic had 7 of my 12 hunters
cancel their trips due to travel restrictions and worries of not being able to get home.
We ended up with 6 hunters on the 10 day hunt as 2 hunters were able to come in early
and a 3rd was able to get a last minute flight.
We did well dispite being distracted by all the bad news and worries of not being able to get home.
Some of the find from the trip
Dutch Robberts 1344-51 Edward III gold quarter Noble
ILL john 9K georgian gold button
Tenn Wendell's Duck buckle, ILL John's Eddie penny
Horrible picture, sorry
Waves were 4 to 6 feet today worked the upper slope for an hour and a half
little over 2 bucks in change

8k or 9K gold ring 1.1g stone is CZ

The rain stopped and I decided to try some new spots
Great 2 hours

Another 7 silver to the pile

1968 10K class ring 3.7g

3 hours mostly wet slope. Add another 8 silver to the pile and 15 wheats

Year to date silver 83 pieces

Waves were huge, just able to hunt the top of shoreline.
1 silver dime

4 hours in the water and on the dry
10 silver
6 dimes and 4 war nickels + 15 wheat pennies

10 silver coins 1941 to 1960

Quick 45 minute hit with wireless headphones,
couldn't go deeper than box.
Plug got messed up on my waterproof headphones and need repair.
Back-up pair in the post today.

2nd St lib quarter from this site. this one has a date 1926S

about 3 hours on slopes and then 45 minutes in the water

2 silver coins a silver bracelet and a silver cap off something

10K womens wedding band 1.3g

about an hour and a half on the wet slope

waves were rocking today, wet slope
14k 2.9g bracelet
almost lost it out of the scoop in a wave

hit the dry sand above the freeze line, quite a few coins

Hit another beach looking for good wash out.
Lots of coins and a 1943 silver war nickel

Back home from Florida wanted to see if anything opened up
Not much luck, couple wheat cents

found a worn down beach near an old torn down hotel
got over 12 dollars and several junk jewelry lost 2nd photo of afternoon hunt

Tried a couple more beaches, Slim pickins

Spent some time in Florida with friends
Lovely view

First trip out into the gulf
about 3 bucks in change and some junk jewelry

Waves were moving this morning.
1 1/2 hours got me 1 dollar and 3 more silver

Big waves overnight, thought I would see it my silver spot
had anything new to give.
3 silver coins and 4 wheats a silver button cover and a 5 cent play coin

wandered 2 other beaches mostly modern stuff

1 small sterling ring

Tried 3 more beaches, very soft and sandy
found a small spot with some hard sand and rocks
1 silver quarter, a buffalo nickel and 7 wheat pennies

Headed back to the 4th beach from yesterday
The cut had opened up more now that some of the shore ice was gone.
1.40 face value in silver and 5 wheats

Tried 4 different beaches today
electric scooted worked perfectly
Some coins but mostly light stuff.
found a spot on the last beach with some older targets
5 wheats and a washington quarter

Tiny gold only got it because I use a floating sifter
10K 0.1g

Back to the cut unfortunatlly is is now covered. I did manage to get a deep silver quarter
also got several wheat pennies.

back again for 3 hours
Still plenty of coins and other good targets
found my first gold coin ring! 14k 9.4g
Chineese Panda 999.9 1/20th of an ounce weight 1.55g ring is 14K 7.95g

Also got a silver cross, silver ring, 4 dimes and 2 more war nickles

Back to the silver cut. Yesterday I did the slope above the water line.
Today I got in the water, 5 hours Couple dollars in clad.
20 silver coins, a silver toe ring and a buffao nickel

Hit the beach for 3 hours this morning.
Some nice movement
after all the wind and large waves yesterday
About 8 bucks in clad
1 gold Hoop earring, 2 silver rings, 14 silver coins, 2 buffalo nickles and 25 wheats

14k Hoop earring .9 grams

Have loads of trips going on this year!
Will be in Florida 12 days, Colchester for 6 weeks,
Spring Detectival Near London in April 2 days,
Lake district UK 5 days, Aruba 7 days.
Good Luck to everyone the year! |